How to take your pantry to the next level for that clean + minimal look!
I have recently reorganized my pantry and have gotten so many requests to share how and what I used. If you're just starting out feel free to refer to my previous blog that shares 6 steps to an organized pantry! Otherwise here is my set up + the items I used!
It is important to organize things in advance if you are ordering labels. Taking a pen and paper to draw it out and organize things in categories really helps. The labels come in two sizes, 1.8" and 2.5" so knowing the sizes of your containers is key so it's all proportionate.
One of my lazy susans can fit 7 smoothie jars, but since the pack of jars I bought comes in 6 I just put the jars around the perimeter facing out so it's all easily visible and accessible. One is dedicated to items I need less of: Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Vegeta, Polenta, Bread Crumbs, and Corn Meal. On the other I put all my smoothie add ons such as: Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds, Goji Berries, Cacao Nibs, Flax Seeds, and Bee Pollen. It is good to store them in small containers because they are only able to stay on the shelf at room temperature for up to a year, so you want to make sure you are using them up. Right below in my lower cabinet is where I keep all the extras organized in bins so they are easily accessible for refills!
Remember you can move shelves around to suit your needs and you can also utilize the inside of your doors for extra storage!